Photography as a hobby  
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Some selected pictures I have taken using digital equipment - my pre-digital photography work isn't worth showing to the general public...

There is no specific theme to this category, other than these images are some of my finest examples.

2006-12-17 Macro-Photography again. This time a little busy bee.

Image was taken summer 2004 with my - then new - Canon EOS 300D.
Bird against water
2006-12-17 This image was captured during a trip to Orlando (Florida, USA) in the Seaworld park.

Taken October 2004.
Bird against water
Cactus Blossom
2008-03-23 Another excursion into the realms of macro-photography. Apart from a little experiment with depth of field this image shows that sandpaper can be a good backdrop...

I did some minor collor correction on this one, since I still can't afford studio lighting and had to use two fluorescent tubes...
Cactus Blossom
2007-01-26 One of the cheetahs in the Schönbrunn zoo, January 2007. It has just spotted something that looked like food in the tree. Since I was looking through the viewfinder at the time I didn't see what cought its attention but I think it's safe to assume it was a bird.
Defect Capacitor
2007-03-27 Something technical for a change: A capacitor inside an ordinary PC power supply that has decided to end it all... specifically the stability of my computer.
Defect Capacitor

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