Schönbrunn 2008  
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Pictures taken during 2008 in or around the vienna zoo.

Bird of prey
2008-06-19 Finally! I've been trying for at least two years to get a nice, crisp and most of all well focused image of one of these!
Bird of prey
2008-06-19 A butterfly - due to lack of willpower (I didn't want to change the lens for the final picture) this image was taken with a tele lens.
Cheetah, lounging
2008-04-08 Ah, yes... no visit to the zoo without pictures of Cheetahs! That's a rule!
Cheetah, lounging
Cheetah, walking towards the sunset
2008-02-28 And again... my favorite of all cats, the Cheetah! This specimen is heading into the sunset...
Cheetah, walking towards the sunset
Coati, reclining
2008-06-19 The coati in this picture was busy with some personal fur hygiene...
Coati, reclining

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